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Algebra Worksheets

Algebra worksheets from common core sheets are the best on the internet! Our worksheets are designed to help students of all levels hone their algebra skills, offering a range of topics and helpful hints to provide invaluable practice in solving equations, learning new concepts, and understanding the basics of algebra. Whether you’re just starting with basic operations or tackling more complex topics like polynomials and linear equations, our algebra worksheets have you covered. Each worksheet provides an engaging way to learn and practice essential algebra skills like simplifying expressions, identifying coefficients, solving inequalities, graphing lines, and finding combinations. Get started today and take advantage of our free algebra worksheets to gain a deeper understanding of challenging concepts and experience why common core sheets is the best source for algebra worksheets available.
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Variable Values Link
 - using-substitution-to-solve-problems worksheet  - using-substitution-to-solve-problems worksheet
Using Substitution to Solve Problems
Each worksheet has 11 problems using substitution to determine a variable value.
 - writing-inequalities worksheet  - writing-inequalities worksheet
Writing Inequalities
Each worksheet has 20 problems expressing an inequality.
 - expressing-inequalities-on-a-numberline worksheet  - expressing-inequalities-on-a-numberline worksheet
Expressing Inequalities on a Numberline
Each worksheet has 13 problems determining expressing an inequality on a numberline.
 - writing-inequalities-from-a-numberline worksheet  - writing-inequalities-from-a-numberline worksheet
Writing Inequalities from a Numberline
Each worksheet has 13 problems determining the inequality from the numberline.
 - matching-inequalities-to-numberlines worksheet  - matching-inequalities-to-numberlines worksheet
Matching Inequalities to Numberlines
Each worksheet has 8 problems identifying which numberline matches the inequality.
Expressions Link